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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Final Project

This week we had to work on our final project. I chose to make a maze game. I have 3 levels. I originally was going to do something else that I m mentioned in a previous blog post but changed my mind.  I thought this project overall was kind of frustrating because my computer was slow and was kind of difficult.


This week we had to make a conversation.I had scratch cat and a penguin have a conversation.

Scratch week 2

In this assignment we had to switch backgrounds. I switched from an outdoor to an airport.   

Monday, June 16, 2014

Game Idea

The goal of my game is for the cat to eat the mice. Each level of my game will get harder. There will be about 3 or 4 levels. The levels can get harder by the mice going faster, or enemies meaning if you get those things you lose points, or there could possibly even be a time limit and a goal of how many mice you need to eat. Level 1 will take place in a desert, level 2 will take place in a hay field, and level 3 will take place in on a hill. The levels will get harder as it goes on.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Debug its 1-5

 Debug it 1
I just tried a few things that I thought would work. 
I would help someone out by telling them to do the same.

Debug it 2
I brainstormed a few ideas and then tried them out.
I would help someone else by telling them to do the same.

Debug it 3
I tried out a few ways and when they didn't work I tried something new.
I would help others by telling them to do the same.

Debug it 4
 I did this by brainstorming a few ideas and tried them out.
I would help others by telling them to do the same.

Debug it 5
I already knew how to do this so it was easy.
i would help others by showing them how to do it and tell them why that's the way you do it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

10 Block Challenge

 This week we did a ten block challenge where we used only 10 blocks on
This activity gave me a feel on how to use scratch because I could only use certain ones so I had to be creative.
The 10 block challenge restricts my ideas a bit because you can't use any other blocks but you can use the blocks as many times as you want.